About Me

This page will acts as a "living resume" where I will provide a list of skills that I've gained throughout my University journey and self-study.

My Skills

While studying my Bachelor's Degree I've gained a decent amount of general IT skills, related to programming, data analytics and more.

Each will be presented in their own section on this page.

Programming Languages

I have used various programming languages, with the main ones relating to Web development.

Check out the Projects page for projects that use the languages that I've listed here.

The programming languages that I've used are:

  • JavaScript, using the Frameworks
  • React
  • React Native
  • Next.JS, which is built on React.
  • Express.JS, used for server-side JavaScript functionality
  • Python
  • Flask framework for Python-based Web Development

What I'm currently learning

I'm currently learning a variety of other languages- aside from those listed above- in a more of a "Hobbyist" / "Self-Taught" capacity.

My skills, however, with these languages are very basic and what I consider to be at a beginner level.

Programming Languages that I'm currently learning are:

  • C, C++ and C#
  • Java
  • Go
  • Rust

Project Management

In preparation for my final year of study, I undertook a unit that provided basics for project management, mainly Agile and Scrum, but also providing foundations for other management approaches as well.

While this knowledge has helped me throughout my last year of study; I have not had extensive experiences with these management approaches.


The following are the resources that I use while coding, or just in general

  • I mainly use Visual Studio Code as my code editor; mainly for it's ease of use and extensions
  • For Git; I use GitHubfor code repositories, and I use a combination of SourceTree and GitHub Desktop for a GUI Interface.